
We have a radiology laboratory in the clinic, which allows us to obtain radiological results the same day, making our service fast and efficient. Dr Lapointe has a license in diagnostic radiology, he reads and interprets himself the films he takes. If indicated or in doubt , Dr Lapointe has his radiographs read by an expert radiologist specialized in chiropractic ( a DACBR doctor ) licensed from the American Board of Chiropractic Radiologists.

Radiology is a medical specialty which uses imaging to diagnose and treat diseases observed in humans . In plain film radiography, an X-ray tube generates an X-ray beam that is intended for the patient . X-rays that pass through the patient are filtered through a device called a grid or X -ray filter.

Radiographs exist since the beginnings of Chiropractic in 1895. Chiropractors use this tool to diagnose and analyze : – spine alignment , cervical , thoracic and lumbar curves -the integrity or the wear of the intervertebral discs -Wear of the articular cartilage ( hips, knees, etc. ) -the bone mineralization -Soft tissues (bursitis , abdomen , lungs , throat , etc. )

The clinic has an on-site radiology lab, which allows us to obtain results on the same day as thex-rays are taken. Our patients therefore benefit from faster and more efficient service.

Business Hours


8:15 am to 1 pm


8:15 am to 1 pm
3 pm to 8:30 pm




8:15 am to 1 pm
3 pm to 8:30 pm





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